What We Believe

Inner Light

The central tenet of our Quaker faith is the belief in the Inner Light, or that of God in everyone. This concept asserts that every person has direct access to the divine and can experience God’s presence inwardly.


Direct Experience of God

We emphasize the importance of personal, direct experience of God rather than reliance on clergy, sacraments, or formal creeds. Worship is centered around waiting silently to feel the divine presence and guidance.


Silent Worship

Our worship is predominantly silent. Friends gather together in stillness, opening themselves to spiritual leadings. Vocal ministry may arise spontaneously if someone feels led to speak.


Equality and Simplicity

We hold strong beliefs in equality and simplicity. We strive to live lives that reflect these values, emphasizing honesty, integrity, and straightforwardness in our dealings with others.


Peace and Nonviolence

A historic peace testimony is a hallmark of our faith. We advocate for nonviolence and work towards peaceful resolutions of conflicts, rejecting war and all forms of violence.


Community and Consensus

Our community operates on principles of consensus and mutual respect. Decisions are made collectively, with an emphasis on seeking unity and listening to the diverse voices within the group.


Social Justice

We are deeply committed to social justice issues. We work towards equality, environmental sustainability, and the fair treatment of all people, often engaging in activism and advocacy.


Integrity and Stewardship

We emphasize living with integrity, being truthful, and taking responsibility for our actions. We also practice stewardship of the Earth, promoting sustainable and environmentally friendly practices.


Continuing Revelation

We believe that divine revelation is ongoing and not confined to the Bible or other religious texts. We remain open to new insights and truths as they are revealed through personal and communal experiences.


Community and Support

We provide mutual support and care for our members. This sense of belonging and shared responsibility is a key aspect of our faith and practice.

Quakers of DeLand logo: White dove with olive branch with the text 'Quakers of DeLand' to the right.

To donate to DeLand Quaker Meeting:

Make your check payable to DeLand Quaker Meeting Inc. and mail to P.O. Box 4074, DeLand, FL 32721.

Contact us, we would love to hear from you!