Welcome! We’d love to meet you.

Coffee and snacks
10:00-10:30 AM
Unprogrammed, waiting worship
10:30-11:30 AM
Fellowship afterwards.
Zoom Discussions
7:00 – 8:00 PM
Click here to request a Zoom link or email us at delandquakers@gmail.com
The Garden Club of DeLand
865 S Alabama Avenue
(Corner of Alabama & Beresford)
Wheelchair accessible
Call (386) 337-5204
for meeting info
COVID Precautions:
Out of concern for those who are most susceptible,
we have masks available.
DeLand Worship Group meets each First Day (Sunday) in DeLand, Florida (35 miles northeast of Orlando) for unprogrammed worship beginning at 10:30am, followed by fellowship and refreshments. We welcome all seekers of truth and justice as we join in waiting worship, silently seeking divine guidance. We hold the Quaker belief that everyone has a divine Light within, connecting them directly to God / Spirit / Light / the Creator / the Life Source / a Higher Power, which may prompt us to share a message with those gathered with us in the Silence. Together, we seek to create and experience a “Blessed Community” that works for the greater good of all.
Our Work in the World
Quakers strive to live our faith in all that we do. We have always held a vision of a world transformed. Our belief in the ultimate value of every individual inspires our social justice work.
Some of us are involved in the work of Quaker organizations such as the American Friends Service Committee. Some join with members of other churches in the local chapter of F.A.I.T.H. (Fighting Against Injustice Towards Harmony). Some put our values into action in community organizing. All of us seek to create a world in which the sacred dignity of each person receives the care it deserves.

Along with the Friends Committee on National Legislation:
- We seek a world free of war and the threat of war.
- We seek a society with equity and justice for all.
- We seek a community where every person’s potential may be fulfilled.
- We seek an earth restored.
“We can make our minds so like still water that beings gather about us that they may see, it may be, their own images, and so live for a moment with a clearer, perhaps even with a fiercer, life because of our quiet.”
—William Butler Yeats, from The Celtic Twilight
Weekly Videos, Vital Ministries
New to DeLand Quaker Meeting?

To donate to DeLand Quaker Meeting:
Make your check payable to DeLand Quaker Meeting Inc. and mail to P.O. Box 4074, DeLand, FL 32721.